Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The producers from the Dr. Laura Show called a
couple of days ago, and asked if they could move
the give-away up to this week. Imagine my
surprise when The DIL Rules soared to number 5 in
the Parent/Adult Relationships category on
Amazon.com last night! I will be
spending the next couple of weeks signing books
and getting them out there to all those contest
winners. The DIL Rules is also featured in the
Reading Corner section of the site. It will
hopefully be up for a few weeks but right now The
DIL Rules is at the top of the list. If you'd like to
take a peek, check it out here:

On an entirely different note, I'm putting
together a treatment for a reality show for WE tv
- think Bridezilla meets the Suppernanny! This
will be a big, fun, and often dramatic social
experiment – a series covered in a documentary
style format. To put a young bride together with
her mother-in-law in various close-knit
situations (although they may be technically
family they are basically strangers) creates an
inherent “soap opera” for the audience to watch.
They are stuck living with each other for life,
therefore they must get along. Brides and their
mothers-in-law must do things together under the
scrutinizing eye of “The Mother-in-Law Manager!”
Poor daughter-in-law performers of the week must
face The Mother-in-Law Manager in her office
where each week she will give tips and strategies
to improve the relationship. Stay tuned for
updates on the progress of this exciting new
reality show!

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