It's Thursday again! I just wanted to write you a
quick note to share with you what one of my new
International SkinnyBody Biz partners (from Spain!)
did to sign up her first person yesterday.Thought you
might find her perspective interesting!
* * *
Hi Sarah—I sponsored somebody yesterday!
What is so good about SkinnyBody the matrix where
you do not need to do anything but will get paid
and people are going to be filled into your matrix
until you get to the 1618 dollars/month.
I think this is one of the hook ups for people
because a lot of people do not want to talk to
people nor do they want to sell anything.
When my friend heard network marketing she did not
want to hear anything about it until I told about
the matrix.
If they have not made any calculation errors and
this really works, it is a great system and they
will soon become the biggest networking company.
By the way I also told her, since it is a new
company you never know...but hey I also said that
if they have not done any calculation errors and
it works out, this is the best place to be!
I think the moment people see money coming in,
they will get motivated and start talking to their
friends anyway!
—Her Signature
* * *
Friends, if you think that you might like to give
SkinnyBodyCare a try, tonight before midnight
would be a great time to get in. If you have ever
been involved with network marketing and have
never had success, I can tell you, your luck is
about to change.
For the price of one bottle of skinnyfiber a
month, you could be positioned TONIGHT towards
your $1,618.50/month—for doing absolutely
NOTHING but being a customer. You will get your
own free SkinnyBodyCare movie link, so if you do
want to double, tripple and quadruple that figure,
all you have to do is share your link and watch the
magic occur. With an 100% empty-bottle moneyback
guarantee, What have you got to lose but pounds?!!
To upgrade, just go to:, log in
as a pre-enrollee and click JOIN in the upper right hand
corner. Or alternatively, call me and I'll help you directly.
SkinnyBodyCare is, in my humble opinion, the best
company of 2011.
Sarah J. CIon
(718) 543-5524
(917) 674-6256
Gold Skinny Body Care Leader
Create a Phenomenal Life for Yourself:
this 5 min movie can help change your life...
for the better!
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