Sally’s Newsletter, Tuesday, April 27th
* * * Quote of the Week * * *
“The real secret to success is enthusiasm.”
—Walter Chrysler
* * * Sally Commentary * * *
What a crazy and amazing 3 weeks I’ve had! I got
to perform with an orchestra for the first time.
Manhattanville College performed a concert this
Sunday, including a Gershwin medley so they
hired the Lyn Christie Jazz Trio (with me in it)
to perform with them. The performance was last
night. Funny thing, during the rehearsal, apparently
the head of the music department had made off
with the key to the piano. So, about 2 hours
later, no one could find the key, so I just went
hunting for another piano and wheeled this old
upright all the way into the rehearsal by myself.
It was pretty strange. I mean, what us musicians
have to put up with!!! But it sure was funny when
the whole orchestra stopped playing to look and
then stood up and cheered me on. Hey, I’ll take it
any way I can get it! :-) I also asked someone
in the front row to video tape it. Well, he did, but
only got the bows. LOL! If you are curious, here it is:
And now for something COMPLETELY different! (said
the to voice of Rocky and Bullwinkle). Here are the
results of my P90X workouts. Yesterday was my 90th
day. I lost 14 pounds and who knows how many inches,
and I feel like a new person!!! I had an unwavering online
coach, Suzy Stuaffer, to whom I'll be forever grateful. And
now I want to pay it forward! If anyone is interested in
losing a few pounds, I would be delighted to help you as
your gratis online-coach! Please visit: for more info.
* * * Amazing New Book Offer * * *
Today only you can receive an amazing amount of
f-r-e-e-bies within minutes… over $613.00 worth of
f-r-e-e gifts-if you do just one thing today! In
anticipation of Spring, and with love in the air,
we are all celebrating the official launch of J.T.
Briggs’ new and highly acclaimed book Mama Said
There’d Be Dates Like This!
Today, TUESDAY April 27th—we have a personal
goal to help J.T. Briggs reach the #1 position on and we really need your help. And, for
helping, we’re going to reward you in a big, big
way! This offer requires the tiniest investment,
but will bring you a return beyond belief!
For only $12.95 you can get a copy “Mama Said
There’d Be Date Like This” ...and over $613.00 of
f-r-e-e gifts!!!!
Today, J.T. Briggs is being joined by over a dozen
other authors and life coaches …to give you an
exceptional offer! Go here to find out more about
this promotion that makes buying a copy of “Mama
Said There’d Be Dates Like This” TODAY, Tuesday,
April 27, 2010!
P.S. Please share this offer with your friends and
family. It's easy...just send them this link by
email to let them know about the many gifts we
have made available for them today.
* * * Kidz Possible * * *
PROBLEM: There are 49+ million children between
the ages of 6-17 in the U.S. Unknowingly and
unintentionally well-meaning parents will often
impose their own instilled and self-limiting
doubts and belief systems upon these youth -
unless provided a way to support a new actionable
belief system.
MISSION: Stop “Dream Killers” —Kidz Possible
will be educating parents through a series of
courses, webinars, books, and events on how to
respond to, and support, the dreams and goals of
their kids. Change can only occur by beginning
with opening the eyes of parents, and then
extending change to their kids. KP will also offer
kids a place to experience each level of achieving
their dreams through a variety of platforms that
include role-model videos, educational modules,
books, mentoring, action tools, peer support, and
more. Unique programs will be implemented that
a) giving parents digital tools in order
to provide positive affirmations to their kids via
communication methods kids respond to; b)
education in topic areas including “The Perfect
Parent”, “Boundaries”, “Consequences”, “Family &
Peer Systems”, and the “CBAs—Character Building
Activities”, to name a few.
NEEDS REQUEST: KP is seeking immediate assistance
from like-minded individuals interested in seeing
significant changes in how adults (including
teachers) support our youth, and how our youth are
taught to stand on their own two feet in order to
set the right goals and determine the best career
choices for themselves. Following are the areas we
are requesting assistance with:
• Press—Beginning May 1, 2010 KP will be seeking
press and word-of-mouth exposure in order to drive
traffic to its website and to make parents aware
of this valuable resource
• Funding—A full business summary is available for serious
investors. KP is seeking $200,000 in exchange for
equity. The company will turn a profit in year
one, with sales beginning this summer. Multiple
proven revenue models. Management team with proven
start-up, education and marketing track record.
Minimum investment of $25,000
• Partnerships—
KP is seeking to form joint ventures with
people/companies that have Moms and Parents as
their clientele, with an in-house mailing list. We
will do product launches with you whereby we
provide an educational product and you do a
mailing to your list, with a commission structure
for sales made via your list. Additionally, KP is
seeking informational items to sell via a
licensing scenario and related parenting/kid/teen
items to sell via various promotions, for a
revenue-sharing win/win.
• Expert Panelists—KP
is seeking a panel of one dozen experts in various
fields pertaining to education, psychology,
parenting, kid and teen activities, etc. for our
market of parents and their children. Each
panelist will participate by submitting an article
once per month for inclusion in our newsletters
and blog. Participants will have the opportunity
to promote their services and products, as well as
participate in our webinars and other activities
should there be a fit.
• Video Mentoring—We are
seeking individuals who have been successful in
their careers to share a short (5 minute average)
video sharing what was involved in their decision
for a career choice, what obstacles they overcame,
what mindset they had to adopt, how they overcame
‘naysayers’, what action plans they had to take,
and what their path to success entailed. There are
no greater lessons learned than by learning from
• Video Sharing—Adults sharing how the
impact of their parents’ support, or lack of
support, impacted them. For example, you received
full support of your goals and dreams and went on
to become a successful (fill in blank). OR, you
were pressured into becoming a doctor, lawyer, or
whatever, and after being miserable in that career
you broke free to follow your true calling. OR,
you never received any support or guidance and how
that impacted you and your choices. And lastly,
what you do to support your own kids and how it
has had a positive impact.
Contact: Suzanne Duret, CEO ✶ ✶ 951-699-8198
* * * 5 Simple Secrets for Success and Inner Peace * * *
A new set of challenges is testing the growing
population of conscious achievers. Are you one
of them? You want all the joys of success, yet have
a sincere desire for something deeper.
For thousands of years, the only way to experience
awakening was to isolate in a Buddhist monastery
or Ashram, retreat from the material world and
spend countless hours meditating, chanting and
attending Satsang. But in the last 20 years, have
you noticed—something has shifted?
Not only are significantly more "regular" people
having profound "spiritual awakenings," but these
awakenings are happening amidst everyday life, not
in isolated situations.
You may have tapped into a newfound consciousness
(or sense your radical awakening is coming soon),
yet the kids still need carpooling, cell phones
ring, (or the mother in law calls?) the mortgage
comes due each month and economic challenges feed
And, many of us feel our souls calling us to
contribute to the world in a bigger way—writing
books, building companies and sharing our unique
gifts with the world. That means living into our goals
and dreams.
This is an entirely different world than Buddha or
Jesus awakened to. Today, CEO's, transformational
leaders, busy moms and success-oriented entrepreneurs
are finding themselves wanting the fulfillment of both success
AND inner peace. Can we really enjoy BOTH?
What if there was a coach who could guide you
into "radical awakening" and help you integrate
this new awareness into your everyday world?
My friend and colleague, Mary Allen, is that
coach. Join her:
You really can enjoy, create, and sustain BOTH
success AND inner peace. Because, you deserve
both, don’t you?
* * * Inspirational Thought * * *
“There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells
the difference between mediocrity and
accomplishment.” —Norman Vincent Peale
Have a beautiful week, and don't forget to
mother-in-law, if only to ask how she is
With gratitude,
Speaker, Radio Personality and
International Media Specialist
co-host, "Blurb!" www.blogtalkradio/blurb
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No matter how much or how little you've done so
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Monday, May 10, 2010
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