Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stay Tuned for the iDaughter-in-Law iApp!

Sally’s Newsletter, Thursday, December 9th, 2009

* * Quote of the Week * * *

"Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and
place them in their best light." —Jennie Jerome
, 1854-1921, Writer and Mother of Sir
Winston Churchill

* * * Sally Commentary * * *

When I was at the self-publishing convention a
few weeks ago, I attended a seminar about book
marketing. My radar is always on the lookout for
new and cool ideas that I haven’t tried. There
was one guy on the panel, who had written a book
called “Question of the Day” and had turned it
into an iAPP for the iPhone.

So, I went home and said to my husband, hey, can
you program an iApp for me? He thought it was a
great idea, but said it had to be something
interactive like a quiz, so I went at it,
reformulating the DIL Rules into a quiz format.
Being the Mac geek that he is, DH went out and
bought this $40 book at Barnes and Noble and it
was like, 400 pages. After reading the intro, he
quickly realized that it would be the
equivilllent of learning Swahili, and that really,
he just wanted to play his bass. Who could argue
with that? So, I pretty much gave up on the
idea... kind of, that is...

Then, in passing, a friend mentioned,
so I posted there, just on the off
chance that someone might actually KNOW
"Swahilli," and to my great surprise, I got 11
bids—and one of the bidders quoted me only
$350! I was BLOWN AWAY! So, I hired him. His
name is Rajneesh and he’s from India and quite
brilliant. So, stay tuned for the iDaughter-in-Law
iApp! Coming Soon!

I love finding new and cool ways to advertise the
book! It just tickles me and it's fun to be able
to offer these suggestions to others and help them
on their way as well.

* * *Holiday Gift Motherload! * * *

If you do NOTHING else today, do THIS!
Today only ...

You can legally acquire over $2,850.00 worth of
gifts, bonuses, and life-changing tools for only

Here's the deal... it happens TODAY,
And we really need your help.

I have a personal goal of helping Dr. Beth
Erickson reach the #1 position on with
the launch of her book, Marriage Isn't For
Sissies: 7 Simple Keys to the Best Part of Your
Life! Plus, we're going to reward you in a big way.

Today, Dr. Beth is being joined by a platinum
team of relationship advice experts and success
coaches from all over the country and around the
world to give you an outstanding opportunity.

Literally, over $2,850.00 in GIFTS for YOU ...
But there is an even bigger purpose to this

15% of the proceeds from the sale of this book go
to the charity Second Harvest Heartland, a
nonprofit organization dedicated to meeting the
urgent need of feeding America's hungry.

Discover the secrets of staying in love,
deepening your trust in your spouse or partner,
fighting fairly, working together to heal past
hurts, carving out time for yourselves amidst the
crush of day-to-day activities, and developing a
close, nurturing sexual connection.

This is a one-time offer—available for only the next
24 hours. So order Marriage Isn't for Sissies and claim
your amazing gifts.

At no other time will you get such an amazing
offer of a book that will enhance all your
relationships AND some fabulous freebies, too.
This is a truly unique offer that is available
for today ONLY. Get it here:

... and please feel free to share this with your
friends and family. It's easy. Just forward this
e-mail to them. Again, here's the link:

You will LOVE this book!

* * * A Most Cool Blog * * *

Are you looking for product reviews, contests,
giveaways, sweepstakes, freebies, book reviews,
and more? If so, you're in the right place. "I lurv"
winning and entering contests, sweeps, giveaways,
and getting freebies for you and me! Welcome and

Tania Bugnet

* * * A Fun Book Bundlz Interview with Sally! * * *

* * * A Most Important Book! * * *

As important as it is to develop a healthy and
happy relationship with your MIL—the primary
relationship is the one with your husband. If you
are having doubts about your upcoming wedding, or
think a friend is about to marry the wrong guy,
you must get this book! How Not to Marry the Wrong
Guy: A Guide for Avoiding the Biggest Mistake of
your Life was written to help women figure out
whether they are marrying the right guy for the
right reasons. Written by a practicing marriage
and family therapist—and a woman who called off
her first wedding—the book offers practical
advice to help women listen to their gut feelings.

The authors interviewed hundreds of women who got
married even though they “knew they were making
as mistake as they walked down the aisle.” They
believe that women can learn how to find the right
guy by understanding why so many women date—and
subsequently marry—the wrong one. For more
information, visit the author’s web site at:

* * * A List Building Event for Christmas * * *

Something very big is happening in the next 4
days, and it's only going to involve a few selected
marketers. That's why I'm sending you this
private invitation as a valued subscriber.

I was just speaking with Robert Mesa (a
well-known Internet Marketer), and we both
realized something very important...

You see, most Marketers could be making a lot
more money if they only had more traffic coming
to their website, and easy access to marketing tools
that have made other marketers work easier, and made
them a lot of money.

So, Robert Mesa has called in some favors from a
whole bunch of top online marketers and convinced
them all to give you TONS of f.ree products and
services at no cost to you.

This is coming in just 4 days!

You may be wondering, "what's the catch?"
well, there ISN'T one. I hope that you will make lots of
money selling and using those products. So, stay tuned,
and I'll let you know as soon as this is

* * * Inspirational thought * * *

"As we express our gratitude, we must never
forget that the highest appreciation is not to
utter words, but to live by them."—John F.
1917-1963, 35th President of the United

Have a beautiful week, and don't forget 

 your mother-in-law, if only to 

how she is 

With gratitude,

Sally :-)

Speaker, Radio Personality and
International Media Specialist
co-host, "Blurb!" www.blogtalkradio/blurb

P.S. Are You Ready to Learn all the Insider
Publicity Secrets to Help Make you a Bestselling
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No matter how much or how little you've done so
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