Friday, December 26, 2008

If you’re an author, speaker, coach or consultant,
it’s likely you know how important it is to
market your products and services. The challenge
for many professionals is not only what to do,
but how to do it. Additionally, knowing what is a
wise investment in their marketing and what is

Take authors; Countless numbers of authors have
the dream of selling lots of books, becoming well
known (and even reaching celebrity status), and
making their fortune through their craft. Yet,
most will not succeed due to lack of how to
develop and implement an effective publicity
plan. It takes more, much more, than a
well-written manuscript to succeed as an author,
at least if you want to make money through your

You Have To Gain Visibility

Successful authors understand how essential it is
to gain visibility within their market;
visibility that equates to more readers, more
books sales, more market reach; and ultimately
more revenue. One of the most common beliefs
uninformed authors have of how to gain market
visibility is through paid advertising. The fact
is, most book advertising does not work. Besides
most authors don’t have huge budgets for paid
advertising campaigns. Yet, many waste untold
amounts of money on ad campaigns that don’t get
them a result that justifies the expense of paid
advertising. Still others do nothing at all to
gain visibility and promote their books.

Why Readers Buy Your Books

The majority of readers buy books based on word
of mouth advertising; the title of a book and if
they feel like they know the author. But many
authors either don’t know where to begin or are
afraid of rejection, so do nothing to promote
themselves. The amazing thing is that a lot of
publicity is free. It’s actually easier than most
people realize to gain free publicity – and lots
of it. In many cases all it takes to gain
thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of FREE publicity is a
commitment and a very focused plan.

Get the Right Information

If you're ready to reach more readers with your
message and your book, the Bestseller strategy
may be just the information you have been looking

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