Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sally’s Newsletter, Tuesday, July 13th

* * * Quote of the Week * * *

"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of
success. When you do a thing, do it with all your
mind. Put your whole soul to it. Stamp it with
your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be
enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish
your object. Nothing great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm."

—Ralph Waldo Emerson
 1803-1882, Essayist,
Philosopher and Poet

* * * Sally Commentary * * *

Being an entrepreuner, I am always open to new
opportunities to bring in additional income. There
are several out there but I'm not always excited
about everything that comes my way, but I'm
thrilled to tell you about 21TEN. Their product,
Life Shotz, is currently in pre-launch, and is
already making a splash around the country. The
product focuses on anti-aging benefits, mood
elevation and natural energy. How? A single
powder packet taken once a day mixed with
anti-oxidants, Vitamin B and Vitamin D . You take
the powder packet and mix it with water, or a
protein shake or any other food that suits your
fancy. But it must be taken within 1-2 hours of
eating because it's quite potent. But you will
have a natural energy throughout the day to work
out, take care of the kids and be more productive
at work, instead of falling asleep on your desk at
2 pm.

I was introduced to the product several weeks ago.
I now take it religiously. Many of us are Vitamin
D and B deficient even though we may not be aware
of it) so this was a god-send to me; to be able to
have my Vitamins D and B and anti-oxidants all in
one shot everyday has been phenomenal. And
it gets even better. Not only is it a great
product, but I am able to make a residual income
from the product by sharing it with others I know
through relationship marketing; a no pressure,
easy system allowing all of us to make money for
years to come. So while we may be working on other
projects or sitting at the beach or skiing in the
mountains, we are making money through
relationship marketing without working at it 40+
hours a week.

The product will be officially launched in
November. So if you are interested in the product
and making money each month, now is the time to
get on board. You can email me for details, and/or
take a peek at the site by going here and checking
it out:

Here is a testimonial from a product user who had
his big AHA moment on day 3. Thought you might
find it amusing!! By the way, Duncan and his wife
Jenny are the real deal. I shared a room with them
at the soft-launch in Vegas, along with the the
incomparable Christine Schwan. They all started
off as distributors just like I did, and now Christine
has advanced to the Master level, and Duncan and
Jenny are Senior Directors. I'm so proud of them!

The first day: I didn't feel anything.

The second day: After a full days work, followed
by an intense workout, I felt better than I ever
have before.

The third day: OH MY
GOD!!!! I felt so phenomenal at 5:00am, that I
went to my gym and tore it up!!! That day, I was
bouncing off the walls with a perma-grin a mile
wide! I felt so great that I couldn't stop telling
everyone about it! I had been up since 4:30am,
worked all day, did hot yoga, and I was ready to
go out dancing! Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm
45 years old.

The fourth day: If I keep taking Life Shotz I may
not need to sleep anymore! I feel like someone
with super powers that nobody knows about!

Since I have started on Life Shotz, I now feel
like I have the energy, drive, and focus to do it
all! I truly feel that this stuff is life
changing. What an incredible gift it would be if
all of the people that we love and care about
could feel as amazing as we do!

—Duncan Robertson, hairdresser extraordinaire

Thank you so much for your fabulous testimonial,

And one of our newest and most inspirational team-
members, Angela Newman, sent me a motivating
way to look at how exciting the income opportunity
really is with 21TEN, and a little email she put together
to send out to potential distributors. She has generously
offered to allow me to share her insights with you.

Angela says:

I was on the income calculator recently and based
on the concept from 21TEN of focusing on signing
up 4 people and each of them, 4 people and four
levels down, one can achieve a six-figure income
which is very appealing to many, and very doable.
So putting in these numbers, the monthly income
would be $9808 which is awesome. However, if
everyone stepped it up a notch and added 5 people,
and each of them had 5 people and you went 5
levels down (very doable) then the income per
month jumps to $109K per month. That’s absolutely
incredible. You can enter all different kinds of
scenarios to see your income potential. I
encourage my distributors to start with this goal
to begin with as it is very achievable for all of

—Angela Newman ; ;

Thank you SO much Angela for your inspirational

* * * Life is Meant to Work! * * *

90 Days to Prepare Yourself for a New
Reality 12-week Tele-seminar
August 17th—November 2nd
9:00-10:00 pm EST

Suppose you could...

Change Your Perspective Of Reality in a way that
would Deeply Empower You To Take Charge Of Your
Life No Matter What Is Going On In your Outside

...and no longer struggle at trying to make life
work. In order to have that you need the right
tools, resources and a totally Positive and
Empowering Thought System. Having a totally
Empowering Thought System is the most powerful
skill you could ever learn. It's the only way you
can actually create a life that does work. Simply
put, you're free to live the life you truly want
without feeling at the mercy of the world around
you. Intuitive & Transformational Counselor,
Teacher and Author, Jane Ilene Cohen, will teach
the totally positive thought system she developed,
based on the principle, Life is Meant to Work.

This thought system is what has enabled her to
facilitate profound life-changing results for her
clients for the past 14 years. Click here to listen
to a free Preview call:

and click here for the complete details and to
register for 
the Life is Meant to Work Tele-seminar:

Jane's office phone is: (760) 753-0733. Please
feel free to contact her for more information.

* * * SPAWN * * *

(Small Publishers, Artists and Writers
Network) is a 14-year-old resource center and
networking organization for anyone interested in
or involved in publishing. For
more information, please contact Executive Director,
Patricia Fry at

* * * Inspirational Thought * * *

"High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly,
make big decisions quickly, and move into action
immediately. Follow these principles and you can
make your dreams come true." —Robert H.
Televangelist, Pastor and Author

Have a beautiful week, and don't forget to
mother-in-law, if only to ask how she is 

Sally Shields

Speaker, Radio Personality and
International Media Specialist
#1 Bestseller of
co-host, "Blurb!"

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